library("Bergm") data("lazega", package = "Bergm") # Lazega (1) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) CC <- hcl.colors(3, "Teal") #CC <- c("#DC778D", "#7595DD", "#00AD73") set.seed(22) plot(lazega, vertex.col = CC[lazega %v% "Office"], vertex.cex = 2) legend("topright", pch = 21, = CC, legend = c("Boston", "Hartford", "Providence"), title = "OFFICE") # Lazega (2) CC <- hcl.colors(3, "Oranges") set.seed(22) plot(lazega, vertex.col = CC[lazega %v% "Practice"], vertex.cex = 2) legend("topright", pch = 21, = CC, legend = c("Litigation", "Corporate"), title = "PRACTICE") # --- DIXON --- # data(faux.dixon.high) dixon <- faux.dixon.high dixon %v% 'race' <- as.numeric(factor(dixon %v% 'race')) # Dixon (1) par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) CC <- hcl.colors(2, "Geyser") #CC <- c("#5FB9F2", "#FA92A8") set.seed(21) plot(dixon, vertex.col = CC[dixon %v% 'sex'], vertex.cex = 2) legend("topright", col = CC, legend = c("Male", "Female"), pch = 21, = CC, title = "SEX") # Dixon (2) CC <- hcl.colors(5, "Purp") #CC <- c("#0E3F5C", "#387D84", "#7BBCAB", "#D1FBD4") set.seed(21) plot(dixon, vertex.col = CC[dixon %v% 'race'], vertex.cex = 2) legend("topright", legend = c("Black", "Hispanic", "Other", "White"), pch = 21, = CC, title = "RACE") # Dixon (3) CC <- hcl.colors(6, "Blues 3") #CC <- c("#A93154", "#B84484", "#BD60A9", "#BA7EC5", "#B39BD9", "#AEB6E5") set.seed(21) plot(dixon, vertex.col = CC, vertex.cex = 2) legend("topright", legend = paste('Grade', 7:12), pch = 21, = CC, title = "GRADE") # Parameter inference using the bergm() function # Model specification m1 <- lazega ~ edges + nodematch("Office") + nodematch("Practice") + gwesp(0.5, fixed = TRUE) # Prior specification M.prior <- c(-4, 0.5, 0.5, 1) S.prior <- diag(4, 4) # Posterior estimation set.seed(1) p.m1 <- bergm(m1, prior.mean = M.prior, prior.sigma = S.prior, = 500, main.iters = 3000, aux.iters = 2500, nchains = 8, gamma = 0.6) p.m1$specs <- c("edges", "nodematch.Office", "nodematch.Practice", "gwesp.fixed.0.5") summary(p.m1) plot(p.m1, lag = 100) set.seed(1) bgof(p.m1, aux.iters = 5000, n.deg = 15, n.dist = 9, n.esp = 8) ## Parameter inference with missing data using the bergmM() function set.seed(1) missV <- sample(1:36, 4) lazega[missV, ] <- lazega[, missV] <- NA p.m1.M <- bergmM(m1, prior.mean = M.prior, prior.sigma = S.prior, = 200, main.iters = 3000, aux.iters = 3000, nchains = 8, gamma = 0.6, nImp = 10, seed = 1) p.m1.M$specs <- c("edges", "nodematch.Office", "nodematch.Practice", "gwesp.fixed.0.5") summary(p.m1.M) #p.m1.M$impNets ## Evidence estimation using the evidence() function data(faux.dixon.high) dixon <- faux.dixon.high m1 <- dixon ~ edges + mutual + absdiff("grade") + nodefactor("race") + nodefactor("grade") + nodefactor("sex") + nodematch("race", diff = TRUE, levels = c("B", "O", "W")) + nodematch("grade", diff = TRUE) + nodematch("sex", diff = FALSE) + idegree(0:1) + odegree(0:1) + gwesp(0.1, fixed = TRUE) M.prior1 <- c(-5, rep(0, 26)) S.prior1 <- diag(5, 27) cj1 <- evidence( evidence.method = "CJ", formula = m1, prior.mean = M.prior1, prior.sigma = S.prior1, aux.iters = 2500, n.aux.draws = 50, aux.thin = 50, ladder = 200, V.proposal = 0.5, = 5000, main.iters = 30000, num.samples = 25000, estimate = "CD", seed = 1) cj1$specs <- c("edges", "mutual", "absdiff.grade", "nodefactor.race.H", "nodefactor.race.O", "nodefactor.race.W", "nodefactor.grade.8", "nodefactor.grade.9", "nodefactor.grade.10", "nodefactor.grade.11", "nodefactor.grade.12", "", "nodematch.race.B", "nodematch.race.O", "nodematch.race.W", "nodematch.grade.7", "nodematch.grade.8", "nodematch.grade.9", "nodematch.grade.10", "nodematch.grade.11", "nodematch.grade.12", "", "idegree0", "idegree1", "odegree0", "odegree1", "gwesp.fixed.0.1") summary(cj1) plot(cj1, lag = 200) set.seed(1) bgof(cj1, sample.size = 100, aux.iters = 5000, n.ideg = 20, n.odeg = 20, n.dist = 10, n.esp = 7) m2 <- dixon ~ edges + absdiff("grade") + nodefactor("race") + nodefactor("grade") + nodefactor("sex") + nodematch("race", diff = TRUE, levels = c("B", "O", "W")) + nodematch("grade", diff = TRUE) + nodematch("sex", diff = FALSE) + idegree(0:1) + odegree(0:1) M.prior2 <- c(-5, rep(0, 24)) S.prior2 <- diag(5, 25) cj2 <- evidence( evidence.method = "CJ", formula = m2, prior.mean = M.prior2, prior.sigma = S.prior2, aux.iters = 2500, n.aux.draws = 50, aux.thin = 50, ladder = 200, V.proposal = 0.5, = 5000, main.iters = 30000, num.samples = 25000, estimate = "CD", seed = 1) cj1$log.evidence cj2$log.evidence BF_12 <- exp(cj1$log.evidence - cj2$log.evidence) BF_12